10 August 2014

US launched air strike against Islamic militants in Iraq

Two F/A-18 aircraft of US on 8 August 2014 dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on mobile artillery near Erbil in northern Iraq. This artillery was being used by the militants against Kurdish forces of Iraq who were defending the city of Erbil.

The US action of bombing started after the militants’ conquered Qaraqosh town of Iraq and forced-out more than 50000 minority people out of the city.

ISIS has also seized Iraq's largest dam, which is a vital part of Iraq’s infrastructure. The dam controls the level of the Tigris River and is also a key source of water and electricity generation for the Iraqi people. At present the Sunni Muslim group ISIS has its control of large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

About action of the US
With these strikes, the US forces directly got themselves involved in the military operation in Iraq for the first time, since American troops withdrew from the country in 2011.  The US action started after US President Barack Obama authorized the strikes to protect American military personnel in Erbil and working in the city. The action was also initiated to protect thousands of Yazidis who are stranded on a mountain nearby.