16 August 2014

English language & Comprehension – Direct /Indirect Speech –Part- II

In following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/ Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in direct /indirect.

51.  He said, “where shall I be this time next year?”

          (A) He asked that where should he be that time next year.
          (B) He wondered where he should be that time the next year.
          (C) He contemplated where shall he be that time the following year.
          (D) He wondered where he would be that time the following year.

52.  Rajesh said, “I bought a car yesterday.”

          (A) Rajesh said that I have bought a car the previous day.
          (B) Rajesh told that he had bought a car the previous day.
          (C) Rajesh said that he bought a car the previous day.
          (D) Rajesh said that he had bought a car the previous day.

53.  The employer said to the workman, “I cannot pay your higher wages.”

          (A) The employer told the workman that he could not be paid higher wages.
          (B) The employer told the workman that he could not pay him higher wages.
          (C) The employer forbade the workman to pay higher wages.
          (D) The employer warned the workman that he can not pay him higher wages.
54.  My cousin said, “My room-mat snored throughout the night.”

         (A) My cousin said that her room-mate had snored throughout the night.
         (B) My cousin told me that her room-mate snored throughout the night.
         (C) My cousin complained to me that her room-mate is snoring throughout the night.
         (D) My cousin felt that her room-mate may be snoring throughout the night.

55.  He asked his teacher, “Need I read this chapter?”

         (A)  He asked his teacher whether there was a need to read that chapter.
         (B)  He asked his teacher whether he needed to read this chapter.
         (C)  He asked his teacher if it was necessary to read this chapter.
         (D)  He asked his teacher if he had to read that chapter.

56.  He said, “What a beautiful scene!”

         (A) He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
         (B) He wondered that it was a beautiful scene
         (C) He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was.
         (D) He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.

57.  He said, “I saw a book here.”

        (A) He said that he saw a book here.
        (B) He said that he saw a book there.
        (C) He said that he had seen a book here.
        (D) He said that he had seen a book there.

58.  He said to me, “what time do the offices close?’’

        (A) He wanted to know what time the offices close.
        (B) He asked me what time did the offices close.
        (C) He asked me what time the offices closed.
        (D) He asked me what time the offices did close.

59.  Sarita said to me, “I will do it now or never.”
         (A) Sarita told me that I would do it then or never.
         (B) Sarita told me that she would do it now or never.
         (C) Sarita told me that she will do that now or never.
         (D) Sarita told me that she would do it then or never.

60.  She said to him, “Why don’t you go today?’’

          (A) She said to him that why he don’t go today.
         (B) She asked him if why he was going that day.
         (C) She asked him why he didn’t go today.
         (D) She asked him why he don’t go that day.

61.   Gavaskar said, “Bravo! Azhar, you have done well.”

           (A)  Gavaskar exclaimed with joy that Azhar had done well.
           (B)  Gavaskar called Azhar and exclaimed that he had done well.
           (C)   Gavaslar congratulated Azhar, saying that he had done well.
           (D)   Bavaskar praised Azhar for his having done well.

62.   He said to me, “Where is the post office?”

          (A)   He wanted to know where the post office was.
          (B)   He asked me that where the post office was.
          (C)   He asked me where the post office was.
          (D)   He asked me where was the post office.

63.   What did you eat for breakfast today?” the doctor asked the patient.

          (A)   The doctor asked the patient whether he had eaten breakfast that day.
          (B)    The doctor asked the patient what he had eaten for breakfast that day.
          (C)    The doctor asked the pattern whether he has eaten breakfast that day.
          (D)    The doctor asked the patient whether he was eaten breakfast that day.

64.   The employer said to him, “ I shall pay your wages tomorrow.”

         (A)  The employer said that he shall pay your wages the next day.
         (B)   The employer told him that he would pay his wages the next day.
         (C)   The employer said that I shall pay my wages the next day.
         (D)   The employer said that he shall pay his wages the next day.

65.  “Why are you looking through the key hole?” I said.

         (A)    I asked him why he was looking through the key hole.
         (B)    I said to him why he is looking through the key hole.
         (C)    I said to him that why he was looking through the key hole.
         (D)   I asked you why you are looking through the key hole.

66.  “How cruel the boss is!” said the clerk.

          (A) The clerk said that the boss was very clerk.
          (B)  The clerk said that the boss is very cruel.
          (C)  The clerk exclaimed that the boss is very cruel.
          (D)  The clerk exclaimed that the boss was very cruel.

67.  My husband said to me, “ Wait for me outside.”

          (A)  My husband told me to wait for him outside.
          (B)   My husband said that I have to wait for him outside.
          (C)   My husband wanted me to wait for him only outside.
          (D)   My husband angrily asked me to wait outside.
68.   He said, “The mice will play, when the cat is away.”

          (A)   He said that the mice will play when the cat is away.
          (B)    He said that the mice would play when the cat was away.
          (C)    He said that the mice would play when the cat would be away.
          (D)    He said that the mice shall play, when the cat is away.

69.  He  said to his servant, “Why are you so lazy today?”

          (A)    He asked his servant why he was so lazy that day.
          (B)    He asked his servant why he had been so lazy that day.
          (C)    He akded his servant why he was being so lazy that day.
          (D)    He asked his servant why was he so lazy that day.

70.  He said, “ Can you sing?” And I said, “No.”

          (A)   He asked me that could I sing and I refused.
          (B)    He aske me if I could sing and I said that I couldn’t.
          (C)    I denied, when he asked me if I could sing.
          (D)    He asked me if I could sing and I said no.

71.  He said to her, “May you succeed!”

          (A)  He told her that she might succeed.
          (B)  He prayed to God that she may succeed.
          (C)  He wished her success.
          (D)  He said to her that she might succeed.

72.  He said, “ May God grant peace to the departed soul!”

          (A)  He wished by God to grant peace to the departed soul.
          (B)  He wished that God may grant peace to the departed soul.
          (C)  He prayed that might God grant peace to the departed soul.
          (D)  He prayed that God would grant peace to the departed sou.

73. “Are you alone, my son?” asked a soft voice behind me.

          (A)  A soft voice from my back asked if I was alone.
          (B)  A soft voice said to me are you alone son.
          (C)  A soft voice asked that what I was doing there alone.
          (D)  A soft voice behind me asked if I was alone.

 74.  He said, “ I must go next week”.

          (A)  He said that he must go next week.
          (B)  He said that he must go the following week.
          (C)  He said that he would have to go the following week.
          (D)  He said that he was to go the following week.

75. He said to her, “ Don’t read so fast.”

          (A)   He told her not read so fast.
          (B)   He advised her don’t read so fast.
          (C)  He requested her not to read so fast.
          (D)  He ordered her not to read so fast.

76. “I don’t know the way. Do you?” he asked.

          (A)    He said that he didn’t know the way and did I know it.
          (B)    He told that he was not knowing the way, but wondered if I knew.
          (C)    He said   that he didn’t know the way and asked me if I did.
          (D)    He asked me if I knew the way which he didn’t. 

77.  He said, “Will you listen to such a man?”

          (A)   He asked them will you listen to such a man.
          (B)   He asked them are you listening to such a man.
          (C)   He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.
          (D)   He asked them whether they will listen to such a man.

78. Mary said to Robert, “ Let him come, then we shall see.”

          (A)  Mary said to Robert that if he came, they would see him.
          (B)  Mary told Robert that they shall see him if he came.
          (C)  Mary told Robert that once he came, they would see him.
          (D)  Mary told Robert that they would see him if he might come.

79.  He said, “ I have often told you not to waste your time.”

         (A)   He said that he had often told not to waste your time.
         (B)   He said that he had often told him not to waste his time.
         (C)   He said that he had often suggested to him not to waste his time.
         (D)   He told that he had often told him not to waste his time.

 80.  Rajan said, “ O that I were a child again!”

         (A)    Rajan exclaimed with wonder that he was a child again.
         (B)    Rajan wondered that were he a child again.
         (C)    Rajan strongly wished that he had been a child again.
         (D)    Rajan prayed that he were a child again.

81.  I said to my brother, “Let us go to some hill station for a change.”

         (A)   I asked my brother, “Let us go to some hill station for a change”.
         (B)   I asked my brother if he would go to some hill station for a change.
         (C)   I  permitted my brother to go to some hill station for a change.
         (D)   I suggested to my brother that we should go to some hill station for a change.

82.  The Manager said, “ Well, what can I do for you?”

         (A)   The Manager asked what he could do for him.
         (B)   The Manager wondered what he could do for him.
         (C)   The Manager wanted to know what he could do for him.
         (D)   The Manager said that he couldn’t do anything for him.

83.   The traveler enquired of the farmer if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn.

          (A)   The traveler said to the farmer, “Where is the nearest inn?”
          (B)   The traveler said to the farmer, “ Which is the way to the nearest inn.?”
          (C)   The traveler said to the farmer, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?”
          (D)   The traveler said to the farmer, “Can you tell me where is the nearest inn?”

84.   The spectators said, “ Bravo! Well played, Ravi.”

         (A)     The spectators called Ravi bravo because he had played him.
          (B)    The spectators said that Ravi played well and applauded him.
         (C)     The spectators encouraged Ravi saying that he played Well.
          (D)    The spectators applauded Ravi, saying that he had played well.

85.    “IF you don’t keep quiet I shall shoot you,” he said to her in a calm voice.

         (A)     He warned her to shoot if she didn’t keep quiet calmly.
         (B)     He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don’t be quiet.
         (C)     He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she didn’t keep quiet.
         (D)     Calmly he warned her that be quiet or else he will have to shoot her.

86.    He says, “Ram is a good player.”

        (A)   He says that Ram is a good player.
        (B)   He says that Ram will be a good player.
        (C)   He says that Ram was a good player.
        (D)   He said that Ram was a good player.
87.    Rita says, “Kishore sang a song.”

          (A)    Rita says that Kishore sings a song.
          (B)    Rita says that Kishore sang a song.
          (C)    Rita says that Kishore had sang a song.
          (D)    Rita says that Kishore was sang a song.

88.     He said, “Shall I ever forget her?”

            (A)He wondered if he would ever forget her.
            (B) He wonders if he would ever forget her.
            (C) He wondered that he would ever forget her.
            (D) He told that he would ever forget her.

89.    Kali will say, “Mira will swim in the river.”

            (A)   Kali will say that Mira will swim in the river.
            (B)   Kali will say that Mira would swim in the river.
            (C)   Kali says that Mira will swim in the river.
            (D)   Kali will say Mira will swim in the river.

90.     The teacher said to Ram, “Why are you wasting your time?”

            (A)  The teacher told Ram that why was he wasting his time.
            (B)  The teacher asked Ram that why was he wasting his time
           (C)   The teacher asked Ram why he was wasting his time.
           (D)   The teacher asked Ram why was he wasting his time.

91.     Mohan said to this friend, “Let me go home now.”

            (A)     Mohan requested his friend let him go home then.
             (B)     Mohan requested his friend that he might be allowed to go home than.
             (C)     Mohan requested his friend to go home.
             (D)    Mohan told his friend to go him home.

92.     I said to him, “Let us go to the river for swimming.”

            (A)    I proposed him that we should go to the river for swimming.
            (B)    I asked him that we should go to the river for swimming.
            (C)    I proposed to him that we should go to the river for swimming.
            (D)    I requested him to go for swimming.

93.      The washerman said, “It has been raining since morning.”

            (A)   The washerman said that it had been raining since morning.
            (B)  The washerman told that it had been raining since morning.
            (C)  The washerman said it had been raining since morning.
            (D)  The washerman said that it was raining since morning.

94.    The boys said, “The teacher did not come.”

            (A)   The boys said that the teacher has not come.
            (B)   The boys said that the teacher had not come.
            (C)   The boys told that the teacher had not come.
            (D)   The boys said that the teacher had not coming.

95.        The teacher said, “John, why are you always late?”

            (A)   The teacher asked why he was always late.
            (B)   The teacher asks John why he was always late.
            (C)   The teacher asks John why he was always late.
            (D)   The teacher asked John why he were always late.

96.    My sister said to me, “I sent you the book.”

            (A)    My sister told me that she had sent me the book.
            (B)    My sister told  she had sent me the book.
            (C)    My sister told me if she had sent me the book.
            (D)    My sister told me that she sent me the book.

97.  He said, “Alas! I am undone.”

            (A)   He exclaimed that he was undone.
            (B)    He exclaimed for sorrow that he was undone.
            (C)   He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
            (D)    He exclaimed with sorrow that he were undone.

98.     Mary said to Robert, “Let him come, then we shall see.”

            (A)  Mary said to Robert that if he came, they  would see him.
            (B)   Mary told Robert that they shall see him if he came.
            (C)   Mary told Robert that once he came, they would see him.
            (D)   Mary told Robert that they would see him if he might come.

99.    He said, “I have often told you not to waste your time.”

            (A)   He said that he had often told not to waste your time.
            (B)   He said that he had often told him not to waste his time.
            (C)   He said that he had often suggested to him not to waste his time.
            (D)   He told that he had often told him not to waste my time.
100.  Rajan said, “O that I were a child again!”

            (A)  Rajan exclaimed with wonder that he was a child again.
            (B)  Rajan wondered that were he a child again.
            (C)  Rajan strongly wished that he had been a child again.
            (D)  Rajan prayed that he were a child again.





1 comment:

  1. Dont you think you should provide answers of these questions
