High Court of Gujarat, Ahmedabad has posted a notification for the
recruitment of Legal Assistant vacancies on the establishment of High Court of
Gujarat on contractual basis. Eligible candidates may apply online from
01-08-2014 by 12.00 hrs to 15-08-2014 by 23.59 hrs. Other details like age
limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given
Gujarat High Court Vacancy Details:
No of Posts: 08
of the Posts: Legal Assistants
Age Limit: Candidates must born between 30-07-1996 and
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Degree in Law & have
basic Knowledge of Computer Application/ Operation. Candidates studying in the
fifth year of a Five Year Law Course can also apply.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on performance
in Preliminary Examination (Computer Based (Online) Examination) and Viva Voce
Application Fee: Candidates need to Pay Rs.200/- + Bank Charges
using the ‘Cash Voucher’ in the prescribed format at any of the Core Banking
Service branches of the State Bank of India in the Current Bank Account
No.30725811785, held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat,
Sola, Ahmedabad from 01-08-2014 to 15-08-2014 during bank working days and
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website
www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in or http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in from 01-08-2014 by
12.00 hrs to 15-08-2014 by 23.59 hrs. Retain printed copy of online application
form for future use.
Instructions for Applying Online:
1. Before applying online, Candidates should scan their photograph &
signature for uploading.
2. Log on to the website http://gujarathighcourt.nic.in or
3. Read the instructions carefully and register their own Mobile Number for SMS
alerts after submitting the application.
4. Click on Apply Online link and Fill all the mandatory details.
5. Save the Online Application, by clicking on ‘Save’ button.
6. Thereafter, a new window will be opened which displays Candidate’s
Application Number as the application saved. Note down the application number.
7. By entering Application No and Date of Birth, candidate is required to
upload their Scanned Photograph & Signature.
8. Then click on ‘Confirm Application’ to register your online application.
Candidate should receive an ‘SMS’ communication conveying their Confirmation
Number, on the ‘registered’ Mobile Number.
9. Take Print out of Confirmed Application form for future use.
Important Dates:
Date for Submission of Online Applications: 01-08-2014 by 12.00 hrs.
Date for Submission of Online Applications: 15-08-2014 by 23.59 hrs.
e-Call Letters for Preliminary Examination: 25-08-2014 from 12.00 hrs.
of Preliminary Examination: 30-08-2014.
of Online Application: Preceding week of Viva Voce Test.
Date of Viva Voce Test (Oral Interview): In the month of September 2014.
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification,
selection process, how to apply and other information click on the link given