11 October 2014

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade -II (ACIO -II / Exe) Vacancy 2014

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive, General Central Service, Group-‘C’ (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial) in the Intelligence Bureau, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government of India. Applicants are advised to go through all parameters under different paras and sub-paras mentioned below and satisfy themselves about their suitability in age limit, essential qualifications, etc for the post before applying. Candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria of the post, as mentioned below, may apply ONLINE through website www.mha.nic.in.

Name of the post: Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive.

Classification: Group ‘C’, Non-gazetted/Non-Ministerial

Number of vacancies:               UR        OBC        SC        ST
Fresh Vacancies (413):             207         134          54         18
Backlog vacancies (337):          NIL        167         126        44
Total (750):                                207         301         180        62

Pay scale: Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200 (PB-2) (Plus admissible Central Government allowances).

Essential qualifications: Graduation or equivalent from a recognized University.

Desirable qualifications: Knowledge of computers.

 Age limit: 18-27 years

 Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates.
 Upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates’ upto 40 years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular and continuous service.
 The age limit is relaxable up to age of 35 years for general candidates and up to 40 years for SC/ST in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried.
 The age limit is relaxable for ex-servicemen as well as for candidates who were domiciled in J&K from Jan 01, 1980 to Dec 31, 1989 as well as the children and dependents of victims of communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat as per the Government instructions in this regard issued by the Central Government from time to time.

2. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The written examination for the post of ACIO-II/Exe contains two papers namely Paper I (Objective type) and Paper-II (Descriptive type on English language only). The total duration for both Papers is 1 hour and 40 minutes. Paper I will focus on General Awareness/General Knowledge, Reasoning, Comprehension, Mathematical ability etc. while Paper II will be designed to check English writing skill and analytical capability.

3. SELECTION OF CANDIDATES: Those candidates who acquire a specific standard in the written test (Paper-I & II) will be called for the interview. The date, place and time of interview shall be intimated to the candidates online. Based on the performance of the candidates in written test (Paper-I & II) and interview, they will be selected subject to the condition of successful completion of their Character and Antecedent verification and thereafter medical examination.

(i) Applications should be submitted only through ONLINE registration by logging on to the website www.mha.nic.in. Applications will NOT be accepted through any other mode.
(ii) The format of online application form is divided into two parts viz. Part I relates to the personal, academic and other particulars of the candidate and Part-II relates to the payment modes. The candidate will have to fill up the Part-I of online application, and then has to select option for payment of fees, if any, in part II of the application form.
(iii) The candidates are required to upload their photograph (size should not be more than 20 KB) and signature (size should not be more than 10 KB) at the time of online registration itself.
(iv) Candidates are advised to submit only one application. Submission of other/multiple applications may result in cancellation of his/her applications altogether.
(v) Before submitting the online applications, the candidates must preview the application to ensure that they have provided correct information and uploaded correct photograph and signature. It must also be ensured that the photograph and signature are visible and not hazy/blurred, otherwise the photograph and signature should be uploaded again. The online application should be submitted only after ensuring that the information/photograph/signature are correct.
(vi) The candidates are required to take the print out of the Registration Slip and keep it in safe custody. They should also note down their registration number and Roll Number (as and when allotted) separately for future reference.
(vii) Candidates are required to possess an e-mail ID valid for 06 (Six) months which is to be entered in the application form at the time of ONLINE registration so that admit cards for the written examination and interview call letters can be sent to the candidate. In addition to this, the candidate must furnish one mobile number in the column provided in the application form to enable us to give SMS alert about the downloading of the admit card for written examination and interview.
(viii) Applicants are NOT required to submit hard copy of their application forms.
(ix) Candidates must carry at least two passport size photographs and identity proof in original such as Voter Card, Driving Licence, Aadhar Card, Income Tax Pan Card, Identity Card issued by University/College etc. to the examination centre, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination. The photograph is required to be pasted in the space provided in the admit card at the later stage.

5. EXAMINATION FEE: Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only). Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the fee. SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee.

5.1 MODE OF PAYMENT: Applicants (who are required to pay the fee) can pay the fee by cash deposit (offline payment) at any branch of State Bank of India using the Challan form (available in part-II of the online application) or by using internet banking facility of State Bank of India or ATM-cum-Debit card of State Bank of India only. Part–II of the on-line application pertains to payment of fee, wherein the applicant can opt for mode of payment, viz., offline payment or online payment.

5.2 OFFLINE PAYMENT (Cash Deposit): In this option, the applicant will be required to take a printout of Challan form (wherein name of the applicant and his/her Registration number will be printed) and deposit the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India after a gap of one working day. A counterfoil of this Challan would be given back to the candidate by the bank, indicating the transaction ID, which may be retained by the candidates.

5.3 ONLINE PAYMENT (Internet Banking and ATM-Cum-Debit Card): The applicants having internet banking facility of State Bank of India or having ATM-cum-Debit card of State Bank of India can pay the fee online. Once the online payment option is selected by the applicant, he/she would be automatically guided to the website of State Bank of India and after paying the fee through a user friendly interface, he/she would be guided back to the registration form/website and a confirmation is immediately flashed regarding receipt of payment.



6.2: CLOSING DATE: Nov 9, 2014 (till 2359 hours).

for more details, please click at below link


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